I wish I could form the words and be able to describe that feeling of being completely drawn by new places, by new cities.
I don't know what is it about foreign places and cities, but they just lure me more than any guy, any job or basically anything. Every time I go somewhere new, the adrenaline rush, the feeling that everything's new just enchants me.
Maybe it's that fresh start thing, that makes me feel like I have butterflies in my stommach. I know supposedly I should only feel like that when I'm in love, but that is the thing, I've only felt that accelerating feeling when I looked at my newest plane ticket, I've never ever felt like that about a guy. Maybe something's seriously wrong with me or maybe I just haven't met the right guy but for now I strongly feel that I'm more in love with the world and languages than I could be with a guy.
I guess wanderlust and the excitement of new worlds just got me hooked and I genuinly don't want it to let me unhooked.